


2011 2010
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DesignStudio *Shellfish*
Russia © 2007



The Faun and a Few


the faun and the unfeigned


the faun—perhaps a woman, who knows

true attachment, inner feeling,

nearness in the soul, tutti frutti

takes hold in the mind, chirps, spurts

bows towards absolute freeze

Bacchante fans herself with her thyrsus

the fonts freaked during reinstallation,

the unfeigned steps from her greaves

pours to the granary pours


the faun and the unknown


the faun—a work of decoupage, a figure

of reason, the bone dice of Mallarme

self-speak, a trinket stolen

the faun—a woman in age

questing after nastiness, an hour's pleasure

groping like macher or schmuck

out there, ignoring borders, tirelessly

obedient to the chime of inner bells

the unknown—her unreason


the faun and the untouchable


the faun—a woman, but not everywoman

the untouchable—likewise not everyman

wimp, runt, macho are brushed off at once

also the sissy, workaholic

mumbler, and right-off-the-bat harasser

between untouchable and faun

it can't work out, that's clear enough

takes no great insight

they've no reason to hack it together


the faun and the unearthly


the faun—a cloudless woman

light on her feet, a tattoo on her elbow

the smile of Baal, three sefirot

the supernatural does not thrill her

the second coming has no draw

religion, tincture of opium

only gags, suspense not gripping

the unearthly does not judge

complete understanding—also a pose


the faun and the unschooled


the faun—an educated woman

with a high IQ, with a future

ambitions won't be poisoned like roaches

professional grasp—an advance

on stable income

the unschooled deconstructs her

explains, what gives, what for

they make such a mess together

the housing list people screwed again


the faun and the unwieldy


the faun does not shun heroism

heroism can be individual

when calm is sacrificed

for a whim, a slap, a momentary fancy

the unwieldy is always glad of a smack in the face

under corporate heroism

they serve the prestigious elite, the general idea

heroism of the gunner, grubstreeter, security guard

don't mix so easily in scandal


the faun and the unexpected


the faun—an updated version

of a human, a giant safety pin

twists its tip to the sky

the unexpected—a curtailed version

of the same, without no stash

no cheap weed

they're buds, like a pair of boots

the text-edit crashed on

waving Hermes' staff


the faun and the unkempt


the faun doesn't flee life's burdens

such a trooper, weft and warp a pair

seared bog, crabgrass torn up

a pelt, incompletely cured

the faun—a woman in the sweat of face

the unkempt entirely another sort

doesn't look after himself, plays fast and loose

sniffs whatever comes along

thinks about his own, about committed

violence, not really noticeable anywhere


the faun and the unbegun


the faun—threadbare, from despair

a woman at the fence, accordion sounds

could work on assembling florilegia

or make for the corral, the satiric drama

bent on a swift, certain solution,

constructive, slightly fatal

sets out for provisions, nutrition

the faun, if she does it, swallows

the unbegun, always spits


the faun and the unskilled


the faun knows how to look after

cheer up, scrub a pot

fill out the necessary forms

betray someone, when it's unbearable

suck caramels and cherry-drops

nibble on halvah, clean fennel

get cash from the beat-up bankomat

the unskilled is also completely used to

breaking it down, when necessary


the faun and the unendowed


the faun—a woman, ever so

young, already scared of getting old

she fears, wrinkles will come, and flab

sores everywhere, everything clinical

right where they began, not one furrow

the unendowed allows the faun

a kiss, on crumpled brow

if all this were to happen

what would be the price


March 14-29, 2002
Хостинг от uCoz